Thursday, December 13, 2007

who to turn to?

how do you know who truly cares and wants to listen to your problems?
lately it's been difficult trying to figure that out. i feel like my friends i thought were always there for me, haven't been around much, and some of the newer people in my life are there for me more than i feel i deserve from them yet.

and how do you know who to turn to about what?
who will understand about my dad? my mom? school? my relationships? my fears?

there have been a few people who've been there for me a lot lately and i want them to know how much i appreciate their friendship. more than they could ever know.
then there have been some people who i thought would be there for me more. people who i would do anything in the world for, but lately don't feel like they would do the same back.
i think that is one of the worst feelings; knowing you would go out of your way no matter what for them, and not feeling they would do the same.

it is times like these i really start to miss my dad. my dad was good at understanding people. he was good at finding the positive in things and reminding you to keep your head up. life is too short to worry and stress about things. unfortunately he had to teach me that lesson the hard way.

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