Monday, December 24, 2007

it's christmas eve.

i miss my dad. i miss home. i'm surprised at myself for actually calling someplace home. it's been a while since i've felt like anywhere was home. it is definitely the people who make a place feel like home.
i want to be around my friends right now. around people who can help me take my mind off that fact that my dad is gone, that life just isn't the same anymore. i'm not trying to avoid things, but you can only take so much. all there is to do here is think and i don't want think about it anymore.

i came on here with the intentions to write about something else. to write about getting to know someone. about not judging a person because of their past, not using their past against them, but realizing that someone's past is what has made them the person they are today. get to know someone for who they are right now, not who they used to be.
i've become friends with people and had others give me their opinions on those people based on what they were like in the past. while the past has had some influence on who that person is today, that isn't the person i see. that isn't the person i've become friends with. we've all made mistakes, most of us have been someone we don't like for a period of time. we're all at that age where we're finally figuring out who we are. we're finally growing up.
people change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

individuals do a lot of growing up within their first 25 years of their lives, maybe even 30 - 40 year. and along the way, they will make many mistakes and bad decisions. but then one day, the person will grow up into their personalities and be who they are. not who they were.

it's a good decision to view someone and base your judgement or opinion on them for who they are rather than for what they once were or heard. that's always the safest bet.