Thursday, February 28, 2008

dear mr. super stubborn immature person,

you've changed. not everyone else.
quit blaming us.
grow up and learn to deal with problems, not avoid them.

i wish you the best, but just remember, the things you do will come back to you.


Monday, February 25, 2008

dear mom,

i'm almost 23. i lived on my own for 4 years and survived.

please treat me that way.


Sunday, February 24, 2008

evil machine

i have a very serious love/hate relationship with my macbook.

its sunday afternoon. i need to clean my room. i want to work out. i want to read a book. i want to watch movies and catch up on tv shows...

...but i end up on my computer for hours!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


i hate the way he is, but i can't stop caring.

dear you and me,

dear us,

you're suppose to be one of my best friends. where are you?

i could go on for hours about you. how could you do this to me? how could you play with my emotions like that?

get over him.

he is my friend too.

don't stay with him if you're not happy.

you're fun. you're funny. you're rad. maybe i like you?

i think you're amazing. we have bad timing.

thank you for all your advice. i hope you listen to yourself.

stop leading her on. can't you see she like(s/d) you?

stop being so blind. you don't have to be lonely.

we care about you. please stop what you're doing to yourself.

stop trying so hard. i'm not going to change my mind. i'm sorry.

stop working so hard. have some fun. lets hang out more.

why are you sad? you're not a sad person.

you're cool but she isn't interested in you.

stop trying to hide from who you are.

take responsibility for your actions.

i love and care about you all.


Thursday, February 7, 2008

she was like my grandma

goodbye aunt mary.
i love you.
say hi to my daddy for me.


skunks and lights

every night, on my way home from simi, somewhere along topanga smells like a skunk...a super stinky skunk.

every night, on my way home from simi, i sit at the stop light on topanga and victory forever because for some reason it is set on a timer and not sensors. stupid stop light.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

know whats going on

i may be somewhat of a hypocrite writing about this since i didn't even know we are suppose to go vote today (but i'm going to go in a little bit!)...

in class today we watched 2 TEDTalks podcasts. both were photographers speaking. Phil Borges and James Nachtwey. they are photographers who travel and take pictures of what is going on in other countries. they take pictures of war, poverty, pain and suffering. both are incredible photographers who really capture what these people are going through. some of the images were extremely graphic, which is what brought me to write about this. as we were watching these podcasts and photographs were appearing on the screen, i was looking around the room and watching peoples reactions. a picture of a man who was on the verge of starvation, who was literally nothing but skin and bones, came up and many people in the class looked away. a picture of a little boy suffering from AIDS in africa came up, and again many people looked away. a picture of a man who had been imprisoned with scars all over his body came up, and many people looked away. the teacher never warned us that we would see these types of images, and many people afterward looked as though they wanted to complain. but he shouldn't have to warn us. i think everyone needs to see these things. people need to know what is going on in other countries, to know how lucky we are to live the way we live, to know that there are much bigger problems in the world than many of the things we go through. while we sit at home on our computers or playing video games or watching tv or complaining about the opposite sex or stressing about homework, people are out there dying of incurable and curable diseases but can't afford medicine. grandparents are parenting grandchildren. people are being tortured by war and their governments.
i encourage you all to educate yourselves further on what is going on in other parts of the world. realize how lucky you are to be born into this world instead of theirs.