Monday, March 16, 2009


i'm here.
it's weird.
things just aren't the same. not that i expected things to stay the same, but...well i don't know.
it was really nice to see a couple of people though. i do miss some of my friends.
it was also really nice having dinner at my aunt and uncles and seeing my cousins. i miss parker!

tomorrow it's off to oklahoma. woohoo?

i'm anxious to go back to boise.
i miss it.
i miss someone.

i'm hoping this roadtrip will be fun though.
we stuffed the mini cooper. it's so packed, my mom and i got new shoes today and had to figure out where to put them. hah.
speaking of...i went into the van's store on topanga for the first time. the one that looks super old.
i never knew they made vans in so many colors! it was amazing!


goodbye california.
hello oklahoma.
idaho, see you soon!

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